Tuesday, October 17, 2017

PLTW Launch


We are excited to be piloting the PLTW Launch Program in our elementary gifted education classes.  Each class, grades 2-5, is completing one module first semester.  The modules are:

Grades 2-3:  Stability and Motion:  The Science of Flight
Grade 4:  Energy:  Collisions
Grade 5:  Robotics and Automation:  Challenge

Through PLTW Launch, students learn to use the Engineering Design Process to solve problems.

The Science of Flight

Stability and Motion:  Collisions

                                Robotics and Automation

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

2017-2018 Murray News for 1st Quarter

Video Production

Our 5th grade Challenge class has taken over "The Murray News."  Their newscasts focus on Murray special events, sports, new curriculum and technology, accomplishments, and upcoming events.  The students write the segments and film them in front of a green screen in our Video Production Studio. We use Pinnacle Studio to edit our film, then we upload the videos to YouTube.  You can watch some of our past videos here.   

1st Quarter Murray News 2017-2018

Mission:  We, the Video Production Leaders, use the 7 Habits to recognize our student leaders. We inform the Edgar Murray community of special events and accomplishments, while improving our video production skills.