Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Ice Cream Cone Stack

We started the year off with some Instant Challenges...SWEET!  This week, students were challenged to stack as many ice cream cones on a basketball as possible.  They were given string, rubber bands, clothes pins, pipe cleaners, spoons, Dixie cups, and a CD to assist with this task.  The cones could not touch each other or the table.  We have some very creative problem solvers!

Alphabet Photography

We are going to be doing an "Alphabet Photography" project at all grade levels (to display in the hallway).   If your child sees an object that looks like a letter in the alphabet, please let him/her take a picture of it and send it to me.  You can share the pics on the Challenge Facebook page, email them to me, text them to me,  or send them in on a CD or jump drive...whatever works best for you!  Here are some examples!