Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Smashing Albert EGGstein

Rube Goldberg is known for his zany cause/effect inventions.  He was a Pulitzer Prize winning cartoonist who showed his engineering sense of humor by depicting elaborate multi-step solutions to every-day problems.  Teachers around the world use Rube Goldberg designs to teach physics and engineering.  They even hold Rube Goldberg contests around the world.   

So, my 6th grade students decided to create their own Rube Goldberg machine in honor of Easter. The task...SMASH A RAW EGG!  The students were very creative in using a variety of cause/effect relationships, but they had many technical difficulties.  At the end of the day (about 50 tries), all parts of the machine had worked.  But, unfortunately, they did not all work together at once.

So, today, my 3rd graders tweaked the 6th graders' creation...And, after several more attempts...IT WORKED! Enjoy "Smashing Albert EGGstein!"

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Heading to Global Finals!

DI Teams.jpg

To Friends of Creative Problem Solvers:  

Teams from Edgar Murray Elementary Gifted education classes recently participated in the MO state final creative problem solving competition called Destination Imagination (DI).  Both fourth grade teams qualified to advance to Global Finals, an international competition to be held over 5 days, May 24-28, on the campus of the University of Tennessee in Knoxville.  Students from over 15 countries, grades three through university level, will be competing, and 8,000 students and 17,000 attendees are expected to participate.
The four-member team, "Secret Cypher Squad," won first place in the Scientific category, Top Secret, and the five-member team "Red Ripe Potatoes" came in second in the Fine Arts category, “Vanished!”  Because there was only one point separating them from first place, they were chosen as the state "Wild Card" team.
We are very excited to be representing the state of Missouri at Global Finals, but we need help to get there. It costs $750.00 for each student to attend plus one adult team manager.  This includes housing, meals, and activities for the entire stay.  We need to raise $7,500.00 in order to participate in this amazing opportunity!
We are setting up a variety of fundraisers locally, including a lock-in at the school, car wash, flower sale, and bake sale.  Because we are a small, rural community, we are also seeking sponsors.  Several of our team members do not have the financial means to cover the costs involved.  It is our hope that you will consider helping send these talented kids to compete!
Platinum sponsor (Sponsor 1 Student) - $750 or more:  an ad on the back of our teams’ t-shirts, a free t-shirt, a framed 5 x 7 photo of the teams at Global Finals, a team pin, and recognition in the Bulldog Bulletin, our Facebook page, and Twitter.  
Gold sponsor - $200:  4x4" ad on the back of our teams’ t-shirts,  t-shirt, pin, 5x7 photo, and recognition in the Bulldog Bulletin.
Silver sponsor - $100:  2 X 3 1/2" ad on the back of t-shirt, 5x7 photo
Bronze sponsor -$50:  1 line on the back of the team t shirt
If you’d like more information about Destination Imagination, Global Finals, or our Challenge classroom, you can visit the following:  
For questions, feel free to contact Jennifer Hawkins:

Checks payable to:  St. Clair R-XIII
Please send donations to:
Edgar Murray Elementary
Challenge Program                                       
1044 High School Drive